the arrival of big red

It’s been a busy three weeks. We’ve improved the physical button, made improvements to mütesync macOS application, and there is a new Virtual Button now available.

Improvements to the müteme Button

I am happy to report that the V2 Prototype arrived and has been working wonderfully. I’ve used mütesync in my home office on my Mac Desktop as well as on the go with my MacBook Pro. In both cases, I simply love it. In a few meetings I was spotted using the müteme button and fellow meeting participants demanded I make the V3 Prototype available so they could buy one. So I did!*

If you want to check out the V3 Prototype (named Big Red) and join our team of beta testers then you can now buy one on the website.

Application Improvements

Even though the physical button is the star of the show, we’ve also been improving the application that runs on your Mac and manages the mütesync button. We’ve added a spiffy application icon, improved the installation experience, and added logging to ensure we can troubleshoot errors.

New Feature: Virtual Button!

We have added a “virtual button” to the system tray (the bar of icons in the top right) on any Mac. So in addition to the physical button, you’ll have a virtual button that’s always staring at you in the top right. The color of the icon indicates your mute status on Zoom and you can click it to toggle your mute status. Grey means you’re not in a Zoom, Yellow means you’re in Zoom and on mute, and red means you’re in Zoom and the mic is live!

*WARNING: You are buying a prototype! By buying one now, you’ll be getting an early version that will be changed many times and will have some software bugs. We may need to help you install it, and will ask for feedback on your experience. The button is sold to you “at cost.” We make no money on it. It’s simply a pass through of the manufacturing cost that we pay. We’re only selling 10 buttons so we have time to work with each one of our beta testers to collect feedback. So please, only buy a button if you want to be part of the early beta team.

Paul Wicker

Building a physical mute button to make WFH life a bit easier.

the newest things


a prototype is born