my #mutefail

Back in the early days of COVID19, the company I worked for was acquired and I started a new gig. To get acquainted with the product and engineering teams, I was asked to join a weekly 8:00 a.m. meeting. One problem. At 8:00 a.m. I was normally in the middle of my morning run. But hey, I’m new here! I can just sit quietly on mute for sixty minutes and soak it all in. Why not do both?! (You can see where this is heading.)

One brisk Tuesday morning I ran up one of the steeper trails in my neighborhood. I was huffing and puffing and listening to the engineers chatter away when all of a sudden I heard, 

“Is someone riding a horse?” 

I stopped abruptly in a panic. I heard nervous laughter from the phone. I quickly realized “the horse” was me. Embarrassed, I chimed in, “Sorry everyone. I’m out for my morning run and somehow unmuted.” More laughter. But then, thankfully, they got right back to business. Not a great way to start your new job.

I took a look at my phone. I had one of those grandma cases where your phone is on one side and credit cards on the other and it folds closed. Somehow, even though my phone case was folded closed, I inadvertently hit some buttons. Whoops!

But it doesn’t end there.

I finished my run and got ready for step two of my morning workout. It involved some pushups and other workout-ish things in my backyard. And man was it hot out! I decided to take my shirt off for the rest of the workout. Maybe I would get a tan while I was at it.

As I got ready to make my way to the backyard I heard a topic I wanted to know more about. And someone was sharing the screen... I needed to pay attention!

I plopped down on my front steps and unfolded my phone case so I could see the screen. The presenter made his way through a few slides when, suddenly, I noticed a new text message from a coworker. 

Hey, your camera is on.” 

Have a great #mutefail of your own? I need to hear it and, with your permission, share it with the world! If you know me, just reach out. If you don’t, contact mütesync on the socials: Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, or Instagram. And don’t forget to add your email below to get notified of more funny #mutefail stories!

Paul Wicker

Building a physical mute button to make WFH life a bit easier.

a prototype is born


why the world needs a Zoom mute button