the newest things

We’re continuing to add more features and support for more platforms. Here are the highlights!

Support for Google Meet
I just tested our new Google Meet support and it was amazing! Soon the virtual and physical button will work for both Zoom and Google Meet. One mute button to rule them all! All existing customers will get access to this feature at no additional charge. The app will update itself soon and we’ll provide instructions on how to add a necessary Chrome Extension. If you still need the free Virtual Button, sign up here.

Support for Zoom on Windows
Our new Zoom mute button for Windows is live and we’re now accepting orders. I also promise to stop making fun of Windows users. 🤞

Some Customer Highlights
We welcomed our first international customer. Danke, Germany! We also just shipped a button to a woman who is a sign language interpreter. She is going to use the mute button with her foot so her hands can stay free to sign!

A Completely New Custom Mute Button (Version 3)
As many of you know, the current button is manufactured here in the US by someone (Hi Pete!) who has been making buttons for game show software and photo booths for years. While they are wonderful, they are expensive! We’re now deep into the process of bringing a new, custom-designed mute button to life. We are still a few months away, but follow us on Instagram to see photos!

Paul Wicker

Building a physical mute button to make WFH life a bit easier.

we’ve been busy


the arrival of big red