Over 1,500+ buttons sold!

The Kickstarter has ended but we still have a few remaining discounted buttons available for pre-order on Indiegogo!

Button + Light + Sync = MAGICAL

🤔 quickly mute / unmute without thinking

😱 family knows when not to scream at you

😫 never stress about your mute status

🍎 students know when the teacher can hear

🎛 stays in sync with Zoom, Google Meet, Whereby, and more

😎 makes your desk look rad

🌈 set it to any color you like

😑 makes a great passive aggressive gift

🖥 mac or PC

Animated GIF-downsized.gif
Animated GIF-downsized copy 2.gif

Learn how we’re bringing mütesync to life!

nate quote.png
mutesync dimensions graphic.jpg

What people are saying:


mütesync timeline